Audio/Video Production
The students will be working on Ch. 7 “Working with Masks”. In Ch. 7, the students will learn to create a mask using the Pen tool, change a mask’s mode, edit a mask shape by controlling vertices and direction handles, feather a mask edge, replace the contents of a mask shape, adjust the position of a layer in 3D space to blend it with the rest of a shot, create a reflection effect, modify a mask using the Mask Feather tool, and create a vignette.
TEKS – 1A-B, 2A-G, 3, 4, 5, 6A-C, 7A-D, 8A-D, 9A-G, 10, 11A-E, 12A-F, 13A-D, 14A-J
Activity – The students will be working on Ch. 7 “Working with Masks”. In Ch. 7, the students will learn to create a mask using the Pen tool, change a mask’s mode, edit a mask shape by controlling vertices and direction handles, feather a mask edge, replace the contents of a mask shape, adjust the position of a layer in 3D space to blend it with the rest of a shot, create a reflection effect, modify a mask using the Mask Feather tool, and create a vignette.
Materials – Adobe After Effects CC 2019 Release, Classroom in a Book by Brie Gynclid and Lisa Fridsma
Evaluation – Ch. 7 Exercises